Creating custom audiences for retargeting

Creating custom audiences for retargeting

Retargeting campaigns can be a powerful tool to reach out to potential customers who have previously shown interest in your products or services. By setting up custom audiences for retargeting, you can target specific groups of people who are more likely to convert. In this tutorial, we will explore how to create custom audiences for retargeting as part of setting up retargeting campaigns.

1. Analyzing website traffic

Before creating custom audiences, it is important to analyze your website traffic. This will help you understand which segments of your audience are more likely to convert. By identifying the most engaged visitors or those who abandon their shopping carts, you can create custom audiences to specifically target them.

2. Defining audience criteria

To create custom audiences, you need to define the criteria for including or excluding users. This can be based on various factors such as pages visited, time spent on the website, specific actions taken, or even specific products viewed. By setting up these criteria, you can create audiences that are highly relevant to your retargeting goals.

3. Using pixel-based retargeting

One of the common methods for retargeting is pixel-based retargeting. This involves placing a tracking pixel on your website that collects data about your visitors. By using a retargeting platform that supports pixel-based retargeting, you can create custom audiences based on the actions tracked by the pixel.

4. Creating custom audiences in Facebook Ads

If you are using Facebook Ads for your retargeting campaigns, you can easily create custom audiences through the Ads Manager. Here's how:

– Log in to your Facebook Ads Manager account.

– Navigate to the “Audiences” section.

– Click on the “Create Audience” button and select “Custom Audience” from the drop-down menu.

– Choose the source for your custom audience. You can select options like website traffic, customer file, app activity, or engagement on Facebook.

– Define the specific criteria for your custom audience based on the selected source. For example, if you choose website traffic, you can specify the pages visited or time spent on the website.

– Once you have defined the criteria, click on the “Create Audience” button to create your custom audience.

5. Creating custom audiences in Google Ads

If you are using Google Ads for your retargeting campaigns, you can create custom audiences through the Audience Manager. Here's how:

– Log in to your Google Ads account.

– Click on the “Tools & Settings” icon and select “Audience Manager” from the drop-down menu.

– In the “Audience Lists” tab, click on the “Create” button.

– Choose the type of audience you want to create. You can select options like website visitors, app users, or customer lists.

– Set the criteria for your custom audience based on the selected type. For example, if you choose website visitors, you can specify the pages visited or the time spent on the website.

– Click on the “Create” button to create your custom audience.

6. Testing and optimizing

Once you have set up your custom audiences, it is important to regularly test and optimize your retargeting campaigns. Analyze the performance of different audience segments, experiment with different ad creatives and messaging, and adjust your campaigns accordingly. Regular testing and optimization will help you maximize the effectiveness of your retargeting efforts.


Creating custom audiences for retargeting is an essential step in setting up retargeting campaigns. By carefully defining your audience criteria and leveraging tools like Facebook Ads or Google Ads, you can reach out to the right people at the right time with highly relevant ads. Remember to regularly analyze and optimize your campaigns to ensure the best results.

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